This is my Pokemon Story
Hi my name is Torterra please to meet you. To the left is the rest of my teammates stories. ![]() This is my very first pokemon torterra who has been with me for a very long time since Pokemon Diamond although he is quite timid this pokemon has been with me on many adventures. When he was just a turtwig we went on many adventures together and overtime he grew stronger not as much as his colleagues did but still enough to keep on going. When we went to our second gym battle we had a difficult time however torterra did manage to land a critical hit on the roselia. When he finally evolved though I was only focusing on raising him for awhile until we came to victory road when we had to train everyone on the team. When it came to the final battle both Torterra and garchomp sustained damage halfway through their HP and on both sides the opponent and I were down to our last pokemon so it had to count and torterra specifically he had one move which was cut. So when torterra used cut it took out garchomp hp down to zero. To this day he is the most surprisingly pokemon in the team. |
Height: 7-03 Nature: Timid Weight: 683.4 Ibs Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown Ability: OvergrowPow: 257 Def: 252 Sp: 181 Spdf: 200 Spd: 154 |