This is my Pokemon Story
Hi my name is Staraptor please to meet you. To the left is the rest of my teammates stories. ![]() Bio: Staraptor was the next pokemon to join my team to go on my adventures. I first found Staraptor as a wild but energetic Starly, I kept him for a long time throughout my Sinnoh adventure and overtime he was becoming more reliable. Before long I saw him evolve into a Staravia growing maturing into an adult. Although his gentle nature allows him to be sociable among my team he has a habit of complaining about his looks which is why he thrashes about so often that I have to go off and comb his hair. Despite this Staraptor was the last pokemon standing to defeat Red's team who was the toughest oppenent during my time in Kanto that I've faced, since then Staraptor and I have been training other flying types to get through our modern challenge the battle tree. Compared to the other battle styles and battle statistics that I've collected over the years he is one of the more graceful fighters in the sky who is able to move swiftly and fearless to any opponent who challenges him. Staraptor leads the Aerial Squadron consisting of: Talonflame the speedster, Crobat the swift, Unfezant the brave, Sycther the dasher, and Swellow the quick. |
Height: 4-11 Nature: Gentle Weight: 64.9 Ibs. Characteristic: Likes to thrash about Ability: Intimidate Pow: 309 Def: 147 Sp: 130 Spdf: 166 Spd: 242 |